Tag Archives: MS Society

Stop the MS lottery


Click here to find out more and join the campaign to stop the MS lottery

Alarming numbers of people with MS in the UK are facing a lottery when it comes to accessing the care and support they need to manage their condition

Here are some facts about MS treatment

  • Six out of Ten eligible people do not take disease modifying treatments (DMT’s)

  • If you have MS and live in Northern Ireland you are more than twice as likely to be taking a DMT than if you live in Wales.

  •  Across Europe, only Poland and Romania have a smaller proportion of people with MS taking DMTs.

  • Access to specialists also plays a key role – those with access to an MS nurse or neurologist are more than twice as likely to be taking a DMT.

People  with MS in the UK should have access to  medicines among the best in Europe, not the worst, and we need to to see an end to the current postcode – and passport – lottery of access.

To do this the MS society are calling on governments across the UK to ensure every person with MS has a personalised treatment , care and support plan, with two comprehensive reviews each year.

“When it comes to MS drug prescription rates, the UK ranks 25th out of 27 European countries. Given the relative wealth of the UK this is simply unacceptable.” MS society


What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Occupational Therapy and Multiple Sclerosis

Gary’s story

Orange for MS


click this image for ‘The National MS Society’

‘A word in your ear’ has a word a week challenge and this week the word is ‘Orange’.  I just had to enter as orange is the color for MS (Multiple Sclerosis) – close to my heart.  I am currently trying to raise awareness and raising funds to help beat MS.

Please see below the links for ‘A word in your ear’ and also the MS Society UK and National, which have lots of information about the cause of MS.









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If anyone is interested in raising funds for this cause..http://www.justgiving.com/mssociety/ has some great ideas and an easy way to donate.

From 31st May I will be taking part in a 60 day challenge to raise funds.  I will be giving up chocolate, meat and wine!  Is anyone else up for a challenge?